Home Safe
Home Safe
A Documentary Community Development Project with Homeless Children and their Families Sky Works Charitable Foundation embarked on an ambitious and timely documentary community development project to make visible the experiences and needs of children and their families who experience poverty and homelessness. Home Safe – a documentary tool kit in three parts - will focus on children under the age of 18 in three different communities – Calgary, Hamilton, Toronto, who, along with their families, have been forced into shelters, motels, hostels or transition houses or who are ‘couch-surfing’ with family or friends – all as a consequence of poverty and/or family crisis. The Home Safe project is being led by award-winning, community-based filmmaker Laura Sky, and advocate and Street Nurse Cathy Crowe. Cathy is a co-founder of the Toronto Disaster Relief Committee, the author of recently published book, Dying for a Home, and she is the recipient of the Atkinson Foundation Economic Justice Award. To watch the Home Safe films: https://vimeo.com/laurasky/homesafehamilton https://vimeo.com/laurasky/homesafecalgary https://vimeo.com/laurasky/homesafetoronto |